"Mujeres de lujo"'s story revolves around a brothel, managed by a vicious gangster (Héctor Noguera). It mainly focused around the main prostitute (the one in charge of this brothel), mostly her troubled past. This past appears again and she must face old conflicts and the people behind. All this is decorated with side stories that come together at some point. It all can be classified as a criminal related theme. Good guys vs bad guys, good guys turning bad, etc. All the typical formulas are used.
There are twists and surprises, but very poorly written and executed. Its "adult" contents are a cheap way to catch some audience, as chilevision has made in several other productions of theirs.
I put "adult" in quotes because it fails at delivering what you would expect from this kind of show. I've never seen a prostitute (in movies and TV) that struggles so much to not show any skin. God forbid if the client sees a side-boob! It's ridiculous, and it makes the acting of the girls so much worse. In any other country, this show can easily be broadcast at 4 pm under a PG-14 rating.
Noguera is at his worst role so far. You don't buy his character, and he fakes this throaty voice, that reminds you of Christian Bale's Batman, but with flu. Very bad, and it's pointless.
This is a show your curious 14 year old son would love to watch at lunch time.