Seven years have passed since the death of Avatar Kuruk, and the Earth Kingdom's methods have utterly failed to identify his successor. Desperate, Kuruk's former companions Kelsang and Jianzhu decide to try an Air Nomad method.
Nine years have passed since Kelsang and Jianzhu's search for the Avatar - the little girl named Kyoshi has grown up into a not-so-little servant to the next Avatar, an Earthbender named Yun.
Kelsang's faith in Yun's Avatarhood begins to waiver after Kyoshi recites a poem he found eerily familiar. Yun confides in Kyoshi about his real thoughts on his meeting with Tagaka.
Avatar Yun, along with Kyoshi, Rangi, Kelsang, Hei-Ran, and Jianzhu, go southward and meet up with Tagaka; The Pirate Queen, then Avatar Yun finds out the dark events from his 3 Masters, and Kyoshi and Rangi spend a night together.
Negotiations commence between Avatar Yun and the Pirate Queen Tagaka; but the leader of the 5th Nation seems to have an ace up her sleeve, meanwhile Kyoshi is pushed to her limits.
As the chapter of Tagaka closes, a new one opens as Kyoshi awakens to discover her secret is known all through out the house, causing her life to change forever.