Episode 1.9: When Palle enters the new building "Bellahøj" in the 1950s, a power switch model "LK Minitangent-afbryder type 102H" is visible. This model wasn't produced until 1961.
In the episode set in 1959, Palle From is driving a VW, but the car used is model 1962 or later.
Episode 1.2: In this episode which takes place in its entirety in 1950, the two film titles Familien Schmidt (1951) and De røde heste (1950) are seen on the facade of a movie theatre. "De røde heste" was indeed released in January of 1950, but "Familien Schmidt" was not released until March of 1951.
In episode 1:6 when Erik and Ida are in bed talking, a microphone is clearly visible right above them for almost a minute. It even moves depending on who is talking.
Episode 1.7: When Frøken Jørgensen exits Aage Haslund's room
she explains to Hr. Stoklund that Haslund works for 'Statsradiosofien'. The correct name is 'Statsradiofonien' - literally 'the State Radiophony'. Since Frøken Jørgensen is in a somewhat frisky mood at the time, it is not unlikely that the mistake was deliberate.