This animated series features the character that Gary Coleman played in the made for television movie, The Kid with the Broken Halo: Andy LeBeau, an angel who goes to Earth, hangs out with s... Read allThis animated series features the character that Gary Coleman played in the made for television movie, The Kid with the Broken Halo: Andy LeBeau, an angel who goes to Earth, hangs out with some other children, and helps with their problems. Occasionally, he runs into Hornswaggle,... Read allThis animated series features the character that Gary Coleman played in the made for television movie, The Kid with the Broken Halo: Andy LeBeau, an angel who goes to Earth, hangs out with some other children, and helps with their problems. Occasionally, he runs into Hornswaggle, a man who is the opposite of a guardian angel and takes delight in causing problems for o... Read all