There is a strong echo of the boxing movie "Rocky" in "Heart", as well as strong echoes from countless boxing movies from the golden age of Hollywood. As a result, the plot is extremely predictable and contains no surprises. It could still have probably worked, at least in a dated sense, but there are additional problems. The biggest problem is the main character played by Brad Davis. Davis tries hard, but his efforts are ultimately defeated by the fact that we never really get a glimpse of what is going on in this character's head. We never find out what is really driving him or what he is thinking or feeling. The movie is not a complete waste, I admit. The movie looks pretty good despite its low budget, and has a somewhat effective gritty feeling at times. It's also directed in a down-to-earth style, with no strident feeling. And it's fun to see a young pre-fame Steve Buscemi. But it's not enough to make the movie worth watching, unless you have never seen a boxing movie before in your life.