The plot revolves around a widowed pilot working in Mexico. He is forced to help a former associate steal 8 bars of gold and then fly him out of the country. The bad-guy-former-associate kindly informs the good-guy- pilot, that he, the-bad-guy-former associate is holding the son of the good-guy as hostage to guarantee proper behavior. The, to complicate matters, the daughter of the bad-guy-former-associate who is a good- girl, falls in love with the good-guy pilot over the objections of the bad-guy-former-associate.
Then it starts to get complicated. The guards guarding the gold shoot at the plane and generally screw it up causing the screwed-up airplane to lose air speed and altitude at the same time. This usually results in a crash. So the good-guy-pilot, the bad-guy-former-associate and the the other bad-guys decide to bail-out. Unforturnatly they are short one parachute. Fortunatly, one of the associates of the bad-guy-former- associate dies as a result of the gold-gurarding-guards shooting at them as the plane flees into the distance. So they jump, land safely, disguise themselves as very strange people and escape...sort of.
Then it gets weird. A Mexican Federales Captain, who contrary to all films about Mexican soldiers, turns out to be reasonable intelligent. (Though he does do a few not-so-bright things, but thats just for comic relief that allows the movie writers to not let the audience down in their belief that all Mexican cops and soldiers are not-to-s-m-a-r-t.)
And on and on and one. Actually, its not to bad. The movie was probably well written, will directed, well acted but butchered when it came to editing.
My advice? Don't expect to much, sit back with a bowl of popcorn, the adult beverage of your choice by your side and let your imagination run amok. That way you can enjoy the movie without using to much brain power. Fill in the edited out parts yourself. You might actually enjoy a lousy movie that had great potential.
Oh is the spoiler.....naw... watch the movie and see for yourself.
[email protected])