The 100 Billion neurons in the Human Brain come to life in the movie "Saramsha" weaving a complex web of relationships. It's about Duality or Binary nature of human mind alternating between Reality and Imagination.
The Story revolves around 2 individuals Tejas and Abhay pursuing their passion in Parallel Universes encountering each other. While chasing their childhood dreams, they often come in constant confrontation with their fathers even though Societal relationship and love binds them.
Mandukya Upanishad, our ancient scripture is the source of revelations about the 4 states of consciousness and the movie portrays them with elan. Cut to the present - the audience who have seen "Anywhere door" of the famous Doraemon show would surely appreciate and enjoy the analogy.
Tejas' assistants are 2 figurines- the Gunman and the Umbrellaman who come to life in his presence and share Tejas feelings. The Umbrella Man portrayed by Ram Manjjonaath reminds me of the great actor Charlie Chaplin and his mannerisms.
The 9- chapter Storyline of Tejas, the Saalugaara (Wordsmith) is all about his journey transcending happiness, sadness, achievement, loneliness and love.
Beautiful acting by Sruthi, Surya, Deepak and others. In the Ultimate analysis, I rate the movie at 9 out of 10.
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