• Contrary to what many critics thought, i found thus second zombie land movie much better than its predecessor. Whereas I thought the first movie was not as fun and quite empty, I found Zombieland 2 to be much better. Perhaps it is because the actors are older, and had more time to mature and hone their skills. I found the ensemble cast of Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, and Emma Stone, to be simply brilliant in their comedic roles, a marked improvement from their already good performance in the first film. Stone in particular, one of my favourite actresses today, offers a wonderful performance, and shows herself to not only be a dramatic, but also a comedic gem. She is strong willed and assertive(even more so than in the first film), with a caustic wit and penetrating intelligence, coupled with superb comedic acting work. Of course, there is also Zoey Deutsch, who is excellent as a total airhead, and genuinely funny. In fact on the whole, I found Zombieland 2 to be much funnier and much more enjoyable. It has a more complete story(which was a complaint I had of the original), and features a sharper script. It is also better because of this: whereas the first film shows how four unlikely characters teamed up together, this film focuses more on the camaraderie and kinship, the wit, banter, and barbs between a loving 'family', which made for good entertainment. I really did not expect to like Zombieland 2 so much, but I must say, it is really pretty good stuff, and makes for great, entertaining cinema which is more than just a serviceable diversion.