• I hit on this movie quite by accident, seldom seeing the younger Van Dyke in any movies, just mainly television. The plot is a good one; the acting is also well done with great individuality of all characters. The setting clearly key to the story. How many people? Men and women alike? Have experienced a life ephinany in more ways than just one like this man? I'll wager far more than most of us realize...

    I thought the sequencing was very good and the feelings of each character easy to identify if not see clearly as integral to the plot.

    It's nice, for a truly REFRESHING change to just see a GOOD human drama without too many "bells & whistles" BUT "played as it lays" depicting much of REALITY of human life on this planet.

    Kudos to the writer and screenwriter who developed this into a worthy interesting for all movie with a whole lot of life lessons without too much angst and no violence per se...Geez, you'd think "Hollywood" would "get" by now? Most of us are tired of the all too boring, oversexed movies that have no plot and are merely violent for the sake of violence and a real drag leaving the viewing audience "emptier" than when they tuned in.

    This movie lets you walk away satisfied with solutionS to life's very real dramas!!!