• Another random DVD watched prior to posting on eBay was The Royal Rumble of 2010. Normally I love the Royal Rumble event, the surprises, the returns but looking back on the 2010 edition from 12 years later this was a disappointing time.

    The 2010 Royal Rumble emanated from the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.

    The opening match was Ezekiel Jackson challenging Christian for the ECW title. This match was OK, Jackson is a limited performer, but Christian gets a decent match out of him. The next match was for the United States Championship, with The Miz against MVP. This too was pretty good until the abrupt finish that ended it and rather came out of nowhere. This feud though would continue for the rest of the PPV. Another bad ending undermines the Sheamus against Randy Orton match.

    The real lowlight is the women's match between Michelle McCool and Mickie James. This whole angle seems based on the ridiculous idea that Mickie James is overweight. Fortunately, the actual match is over really quickly but the bad taste lingers on. Michelle's husband is out next, and he beats Rey Mysterio in another lacklustre affair.

    The actual rumble was probably the best section of the show, but even that seems like a fairly standard line up. There were strong showings from CM Punk and from Shawn Michaels - who had his own storyline going about getting back to Wrestlemania for another shot at the Undertaker. The big moment was the return of Edge after six months out, who returned looking for revenge on his former partner Chris Jericho.

    I think, pretty much across the board, the show suffered from not having matches between clear heels and faces. The Miz/MVP, Undertaker/Mysterio and Sheamus/Orton matches all split the crowd and the matches suffered because of it. Aside from the actual rumble itself, the matches were all disappointing and the whole event was underwhelming.