This Taiwanese series consists of seven unrelated stories. Each involves death. Some have supernatural elements and others are more down to earth. To describe just one; a man is killed in a car crash and finds himself back to a time earlier in the evening. He tries to do things differently but although details have changed he dies again at the same place and time. Time keeps looping and he tries to figure out what happened... he isn't the only person involved in the loop.
I rather enjoyed this series. There is a fine atmosphere in each episode; each has a fairly distinctive look. The stories provide some interesting turns; some less expected than others. While each episode features death they have different tones; some are spooky, others are tragic and one even has a feel good ending of sorts. Just don't expect everything to be explained. Overall an intriguing series that I'd recommend for those looking for something a little different.
These comments are based on watching the series in Mandarin with English subtitles.
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