• I'm sorry but I really don't like this film. Kevin Sorbo is not a convincing King Herod. I've seen him in many other films but IMO this role does not fit him. Also, the young boys' accents are so thick I can barely understand them, and yet as adults the accent isn't there. Then there was the "angel" that appeared to Joseph... he looked like a fiery-eyed demon. I did not like him at all.

    As for the plot line, I get this is fiction but I think it stretches things a little too far. Quite frankly it is difficult for me to accept it as believable.

    One point.of accuracy... the Wise Men did NOT go to the stables. That was the shepherds. The wisemen appeared a couple of years later. That is why King Harold ordered the execution of.children two years old and younger, not just infants. Plus Matthew 2:11 clearly states they went to the child's HOUSE. I don't know why so many don't understand this.