• I've always been fascinated with Terry Sawchuck. Growing up in Canada and idolizing goalies since the age of nine. Knowing the details of his life always made me wish that someone would make a film about him. If movies can be made about Rocket Richard and Gordie Howe then surely Sawchuck is deserving of the honor as well. While I wouldn't describe it as a fabulous movie it was a fine effort and does an excellent job capturing the idiosynchrasies of the era in pro sports and the physical and emotional hardships endured by professional hockey players during a time when missing a game or two due to injury could mean the end of your career. I think the main actor did a fine job capturing Sawchuck's notoriously sullen disposition and moodiness. Telling it like it was instead of trying to glamorize his image was the right way tell the story. On the down side, I find it a bit disappointing that we couldnt see Sawchuck wearing the Motor City's famous logo on his jersey. Probably due to budget constraints the movie had to make due without official NHL logos and this takes away from things a bit. I'm also not crazy about the way they ended the film and thought it could have been done better. Overall though it's a movie that real hockey fans and especially goalie fans should see. I'm certain that most will appreciate the effort.