• If i had to pick a favourite of the excellent MIB Trilogy it would have to be MIB. But This silly sequel is a fun ride & has the glory of being (probably) my most watched movie of all-time (atleast in my top 5 most watched along with i, Robot, MIB & Ghostbusters 2) It's definitely the most Cartoonish & childish of the franchise but its also a lot of fun. There's bits wrong with it as its no masterpiece or Classic & definitely doesn't have a better villain than Edgar in the first film but there's still stuff to enjoy. MIB2 is THE film i go to as my comfort watch, my other comfort films are the likes of Dragnet & Ghostbusters 2, but there's something so nice about this Men In Black sequel. Although the 1997 MIB is the best of the franchise (it's a Classic) i still go to the mostly unloved sequel. MIB2 is made in the mould of the buddy-cop genre, as we get an older more jaded Agent Jay that is feeling lost & lonely in the universe & is going through partners like a cop in a doughnut factory. The setup is pure Cop film stuff & i loved it. Come to think of it, MIB2 is one of my favourite films of all-time, it stands tall in my top 10 faves list.

    MiB2 is actually a sweet flick & full of heart, probably even more so than the first film (but part 2 is way, way more goofy, silly & OTT)I also think that this is one of the most likeable Will Smith has been, Will is a known good-hearted & very likeable movie star & here as Jay in this sequel Smith gives his most loveable, likeable & most friendliest performance. Jay here is lost in the universe, he's lonely & misses his best friend & mentor Kay, & Smith delivers the emotions throughout his sad eyes & deep thoughtfulness (as seen in the bench scene), there's real human moments sprinkled throughout this big budget FX adventure & it's Smith that's the beating heart of the piece. MIB 2 has a very brisk running time that shoots by & is just pure big special Fx driven good-hearted fun. Because of it's short running time, i actually used to watch the movie then rewind it (remember doing that?) & watch it again. I find this sequel to be a very cheerful piece of Escapism. This Cartoonish sequel makes my all-time top 10 fave films list, that's how much i like it. This sequel is a soothing & relaxing comfort film that i continue to come back to even after 20 YEARS!!! Men In Black 2 has definitely earned it's place as one of my all-time favorite films. Yes, MIB 2 is a flashy sequel that is OTT, silly, goofy, childish & yet full of heart & warm charm, it's a sequel that's simply nice.

    MIB2 is a film i have a strong connection with as i was lost & lonely & didn't know my place in the universe at the time the film came out. I felt just like Jay did & so i watched the film every night during that summer & it gave me some sort of comfort.

    Big Nostalgia for MIB 2, a movie i watched the hell outta when i got it on video. Memories of this film os of warm summer nights & i was up late downstairs on the sofa & watching MIB 2....evey night throughout that summer. Sometimes in life for certain personal reasons you grip onto a certain movie & that movie becomes a comfort to you & that was MIB 2 for me for a long time.

    A very fun filled fantasy-Comedy that is underrated, but i loved it & it was really nice seeing Agent J & Agent K back together with alot of fun silly humour & some cool action, there's exciting fx & cool Aliens that make this a totally entertaining & very light entertainment.

    Of course the 1997 Masterpiece will always been known as the Classic & nothing could beat the best movie villain ever "EDGAR" that gross alien bug was absolutely hilarious & expertly performed by Vincent D'Onofrio, a truly outstanding performance. But MIB 2 just has such a lighthearted fun mood that makes it enjoyable still. Nothing will beat the 90's Classic though.

    There's still alot of good elements in this sequel to like such as the bigger role of Frank the pug & the more fun role of MIB boss Zed played perfectly by the legendary Rip Torn (R. I. P to one of the greats) & the beginning subway scene with Jeff the worm & the sweet relationship between Agent J & Laura (Rosario Dawson) & even evil Serleena is witty & good fun, even though she's not as great as the excellent "Edgar Bug" from the first film. Also the bumbling henchman Scrad/Charlie is well, very silly really played by Johnny Knoxville but there's always a lighthearted sense of fun to his silly performance.

    "MIB 2" is no masterpiece or a Classic, but i dig it so much anyway, like the first film & I'm not saying it's perfect because it's not as the main villain is no where near as good as Edgar the bug & some bits are too silly & very childish such as as Frank the pug barking to the terrible song "Who let the Dogs out?" I can't stand that song!!! & some of the humour is abit too kid-friendly but those are small miner complaints for an otherwise easy watching fun film that is nearly always entertaining. At a brisk, short running time of under an hour & a half, MiB2 moves quickly from fun special fx sequence to the next & introducing new creative creatures. I do find MIB2 to be a special film for me & one i will always enjoy.

    Now when it came out i remember going to watch this at the cinema on my own but i didn't care because Will Smith was & still is my idol & childhood hero, i was obsessed with the first film so no way was i going to miss part 2, also i love the look of the warm summer night time scenes of New York City it's beautiful, also the warm chemistry is there again when Kay finally comes back & of Course Will is great again as Jay.

    Some little scenes i loved like the scene where Jay sits on a bench after a battle in the subway with the alien "Jeff" & he's sat there feeling so lost in the universe & it's a nice summer night in the lit-up beautiful city, it's just a lovely touching little scene, it's bits like this that i really enjoyed about the sequel, bits that show alot of heart.

    Also the great TOMMY LEE JONES is great back as Kay & he gets some really nice touching moments sprinkled throughout this fun sci-fi comedy sequel that moves very fast with it's brisk under 90 mins running time.

    MiB2 is simply a short, fun sci-fi blast of silly-goofy comedy & colourful special effects.

    I also think i have such big love & Nostalgia for this particular movie because i watched it so much at different times in my life, MIB 2 became a comforting movie for me as i remember feeling so lost & lonely in the world just like "Agent J" at the beginning of the movie, i kinda related to the character & Will's performance, it's a special film to me, even though I'm aware its not exactly a great film, it has its problems.

    There's something special about Will Smith for me though as i grew up with the "Fresh Prince of bel air" & his excellent rap music, so Will Smith is something of an icon to me & abit of a positive role model, his films have gotten me through some tough times & MIB, MIB 2, I,ROBOT, WILD WILD WEST, ENEMY OF THE STATE & BAD BOYS are probably the most important films of his to me for personal reasons, those flicks I've watched so many times at my most lost & loneliest but "Big Will" was Always there keeping me comforted on screen. MIB 2 is warm special fx comedy that i just i enjoy.

    MIB2 simply fun, nothing super special but happy & enjoyable & a truly lovely comfort film, to me anyway. No it's not as well made or as done as the Classic first film, but it is colourful Cartoonish fun.

    If ever I'm not sure what to put on i will nearly always go to MIB 2 & that's why it's my most watched movie of all-time, probably more for Nostalgia reasons but the flick always relaxes me.