
  • I am a fan of Final Fantasy for over 15 years. This is the game I'm looking forward to playing, but when I finish the game and do a lot of side quests, I feel Final Fantasy 15 not as good as the previous Final Fantasy releases.

    Worldmap is very large, but only one city (Altissia), a town (Lestallum) a city of main story (Insomnia), the rest are mostly gas stations, this is not good with a version of the Final Fantasy game. In the Final Fantasy versions 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 and many other versions, the number of cities is numerous and wide, accompanied by a wide variety of side quests. Maps of Final Fantasy 15 are mostly desert, rocky, prairie and not exciting. The side missions are also very monotonous, repetitive. The Ability System is very similar to Final Fantasy 10. The way to absorb element ( Fire, Ice, Lighting ) is borrowed from Final Fantasy 8, and a lot of things of the Final Fantasy 15 reminds me to old Final Fantasy releases.

    The summon method is not good and very random. Summons seem useless in this game, they only have a role to contribute to the content of the game.

    The game content is really short and less interesting. The plot is predictable. I was excited when buy this game to play, but when I was playing with 200 hours of play, I felt unhappy, and I evaluated the game with a score of 7/10.

    Sorry for my bad English .