• OK, so the first thing to note is that, while this series may seem like a pointless menagerie of 2- 3 minuted clips, they are actually very smart and funny...if you know what to look for. It isn't quite a satire, but the series definitely pokes fun of the nesting phase. The nesting phase isn't all fun and games and "naughty time"...it is actually a bit mundane.

    I think Ryan Johnson and Alyssa McClelland do a great job of depicting a couple going through this phase. Their writing is great and I must say that the theme song is very catchy. Paul and Nat aren't too mushy nor are they completely alike in personality, which makes the story come alive a bit more. No one really wants to watch a series where the couple is sooo happy and they mesh sooo well. They are really adorable together and provide a teeny tiny bit of "conflict" (if you will) that moves the series along.

    Overall, a fantastic series that shows a cool perspective on the nesting phase of life. I would definitely recommend it! Go look up their channel (OneStepCloserToHome) on Youtube for all of the episodes!