• First, I am so lucky to have caught this film in a letterboxed - wide screen - edition, even dubbed in french. Second, I have nothing to add to the other comments - why always repeat the same things the other users did so good ? - except just one little detail. The sequence where the bad guys lead by Robert Middleton enter the grocery store to terrorize the owner, and just after they have got from him what they want to, so just after they have succeeded in their nasty job, Robert Middleton takes a candy placed on the shop counter and - incredible - takes two coins from his pocket to pay the candies. After he nearly killed the poor shopkeeper, he pays him the candy. I found that absolutely fantastic. I don't know how to say it properly. That's the kind of things that are so rare to see. And I think that's the real expression of power. You may really hurt someone, kill him, destroy every thing in or around him, but you can STILL stay somewhere noble, generous, even if you are besides a real S. O. B. An authentic bastard. Fred McMurray has here a character not so far from the one he had in AT GUNPOINT, from director Alfred Werker; some kind of HIGH NOON scheme.

    I love seeing, catching such tiny details.