• i'm kinda torn how i feel bout this one,, it could have been better,, the "new hotel look" omg,, geesh ugly,, could have been worse.. this is supposed to be a prequel, i mean don't get me wrong there were a lot to this movie i liked. the showing of how our killer got his mask, it had a great opening scene,, and gave you some more insight into the mind of someone who makes and sells snuff films. it had a decent cast,, but once again you get a hot girl who has to be the heroine,, i just am really sick and tired of the "hot" girl hero,, it is so overdone,, here is an idea. make the black guy the hero... or have a butt ugly girl as the heroine. overall it's not a bad movie,, you kinda have to distance yourself from the first one when you watch this one.