• Warning: Spoilers
    with much anticipation i took my girlfriend to see Bruno. it looked funny from the previews, as our TV has been bombarded with commercials to see the funniest movie of the summer. well, i'm still waiting. it was the most unfunny and offensive movie i have ever seen in my life. for the first time i actually asked for(and received) a full refund. now i can laugh at almost anything, and Borat was hysterically funny, so please don't think of me as a prude, but i found nothing funny about Bruno. it was mean spirited in its attempt at humor. at a Saturday afternoon matinée, there were 8 people total in a theater seating 300. we walked out after 30 minutes. we should have left sooner.in one scene Bruno is showing his idea of a talk show to a focus group that turns out to be a perfect microcosm of the movie. it was as unfunny as cancer said one viewer. i would stab my eyes out with pencils, said a 2nd focus member. you would have to borrow the pencils from me first said the 1st focus member. sadly i had no pencils!