• A few weeks ago in the wee hours, I caught my first episode of Odyssey 5 (on the SPACE channel,Canada), and

    WAS HOOKED! I didn't quite follow the storyline, but the

    actors made the ep, and it has a great atmosphere. Watched another one, and have been telling folks how good

    it is, only to find it's already been CANCELLED by Showtime! This afternoon, I saw the pilot episode, and

    it's about the ONLY tv sci-fi that has given me goosebumps!

    Is it my imagination, or when I was a kid (I'm 40+ now)

    was there just MORE good science fiction available, recognized as a thinking man's (er, person's) media or

    literature entertainment? You just can't seem to find any these days (Outer Limits manages it fairly often), and

    when it does appear, the powers that be nix it. I just

    don't get it.

    Great premise, interesting characters and outstanding actors....seems like a perfect recipe to me!

    Linda Vancouver, Canada