• Warning: Spoilers
    Have you ever had sex with your father? What a lovely way to greet the audience to the movie, and set the relative mood for the next 2 hours. Any movie that begins with a daughter prostituting herself to her father and post-coitus referring to him as Early Bird due to his quick finale is bound be...shall we say, interesting. Essentially, Visitor Q follows the daily life of a family in Japan that has quite the unique structure. The father goes about his life quite monotonously simply trying to survive after being raped with his own microphone while trying to interview a group of teen-age boys for his story about modern teens in Japan. That is, until a stranger decides to hit in the head with a rock while he sits at a bus stop. And then once more while he is walking home from work. Needless to stay, the father and stranger become great friends and the stranger moves in with him. Mother is an ordinary house wife who simply cleans, cooks, cleans, and obsesses that her face is perpetuously perfect by cleaning and pampering it constantly, and of course trying to protect it while being battered with a rug beater. She is scarred up over the rest of her body and walks with a very large limp. One would suspect that such physical abnormalities would inhibit her part-time job as a whore. On the contrary, at least a hand full of men love her scars...which works out beautifully to help Mom feed her heroin addiction. Oh, I almost forgot. The son beats his mother whenever the opportunity arises. He has even devoted a small closet in his room to various tools for beating her. Apparently, he prefers the rug beater and the tazer. When not at school being brutalized by his fellow school mates, he spends his time in his room indulging in his hypochondria/mysophobia. Long story short, the vast majority of the movie is a look at the family's decent from bad, to worse, to worst, and finally to worse than you could ever possibly imagine worst being. SKIP THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT A SPOILER. Both unfortunately and miraculously, the "worse than you could ever possible imagine worst being" moment is the also the grand finale where the family is finally happy. This happiness comes in the form of Mom discovering her love of lactation while the strange quest (whom we can assume to one Visitor Q), watches crossed-legged with an umbrella below her. Mother's lactating love is paralleled by Dad's ability to no longer be considered a speedy lover while copulating with his dead co-anchor's corpse, also discovering that as a dead person's muscles release after death, the bowels are no exception, and last but not least rigor mortis affects the vagina too. Then again, Dad's awkward situation allows for a great husband wife bonding situation when mother prepares him a vinegar bath meant to help "soften him up", but Mom's heroin ends up doing much better. The movie's capper comes in the form of mother and father following these easy steps to a better family: 1. Kill your Son's bullies. 2. Chop up the body of the dead hooker currently lying in your green-house. 3. Have your Son lie in the mess of breast milk and vaginal fluids Mom has created from her previous escapade with Visitor Q. 4. Place the body parts from steps 1 & 2 in the back of the car. 5. Mom and Dad: surround yourself in tarp and have Dad breast-feed from mother. 6. When your daughter returns home, have her join in the breast-feeding goodness. 7. Enjoy. Think about it. That was a happy ending.

    *YOU MAY CONTINUE READING FROM HERE* This movie raises many thought-provoking questions. Through out the film Dad is trying to create a reality-t.v. article about teens and even degrades himself so much as to film his own son getting beat up and forced to defecate (probably so that the boy can forcibly re-ingest it later) for his article. Is this really what we're coming to in a society where the only things that make news are the things that will disturb us most? Can we reform our ways with the introduction of a new third party? What was the motivation for the actors/actresses in scenes such as the one where the dead reporter is being raped? "Ok in this scene, you're not allowed to breath or move cuz well, you're dead. Oh, and also, you just released your bowels on this guy's hand. Did I mention he's going to be having sex with you?"

    All in all, it's a good movie with good acting and terribly strange content along with an excellent plot/moral.