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How Facebook decides which ads to show teens
We want to make sure everyone who uses Facebook sees ads that are appropriate and useful to them. All ads on our platforms must follow our Community Standards and Advertising Standards.
We have additional policies in place for ads shown to teens (people under 18 years old globally, under 20 in Thailand, and under 21 in Indonesia). For example, our Advertising Standards prohibit ads about restricted topics, like alcohol, financial products and weight loss products and services, to be shown to people under 18 (and older in certain countries).
Additionally, we limit the options advertisers can use to show ads to teens. For example, we don’t allow advertisers to select interests, behaviors, gender or activity on other apps and websites when choosing to show their ads to teens. Advertisers can decide to include teens in their audience based only on age and location.
In contrast, advertisers have more options for showing ads to adults who use our products. For example, an advertiser could choose to show their ads to people with certain interests or based on information that they, or other partners, share with us. This could include the products someone is interested in, websites they visited or Pages they interacted with on Facebook. Since advertisers have more options when reaching adults, these audiences will have additional Ad preferences to manage their personalized ads experience.
For all account holders, no matter what your age, your use of Facebook is governed by our Terms of Service.
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