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How we show ads in the European Region
This subscription is only available in the European Region.
In the European Region, you can subscribe to use our Products without ads, or you can use them for free with ads. We’ve updated our terms and privacy policies to reflect these options. You can review the updated terms and policies here:
If you use our Products for free with adsIf you subscribe to use our Products without ads
You will see ads.You won’t see ads on our Products.
You won’t pay a fee to use our Products.You’ll be charged a monthly fee. You can learn more about pricing.
Your information will be used for ads. You can review the Meta Privacy Policy for more details.Your information won’t be used for ads.
We hope that you’ll agree to these Terms and continue to use Meta Products. If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.
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Note: You can make a choice about your ads on Facebook for iOS, Facebook for iPhone, Facebook for iPad, Facebook for Android,, Instagram for iOS, Instagram for iPhone, Instagram for iPad and Instagram for Android. This choice is not currently available on Meta Quest if you’ve deactivated your Facebook account.
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