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Use our Products for free with ads
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By choosing to use our Products for free, you can discover new products and brands through ads.
Here’s what to expect when you use our Products for free with ads:
  • You will see ads when you use Meta Products.
  • We’ll use your information from your accounts in the same Accounts Center to show you ads.
  • We’ll use cookies on our Products to personalize your ads and measure how they perform.
Your experience will stay the same, and your previous ad preferences and choices will continue to apply. For example, if you allow us to, we will continue to use your activity information from ad partners to show you ads, and use cookies on other apps and websites to personalize your ads and measure how they perform. You can change these choices at any time.
Once you choose to use our Products for free, your choice will apply to all your accounts in the same Accounts Center. Learn more about how we use information across your accounts in Accounts Center.
Why does Meta ask for my consent?
If you choose to use our Products for free with ads, you will be asked to allow Meta to use your information for ads. Laws require that you should be able to freely choose if you opt-in to the use of your information involving combining and cross-using your information and certain use of cookies. Meta relies on your consent as our legal basis for this information use. You can withdraw your consent at any time.
Other ways to manage your ads
  • Learn more about why you’re seeing an ad. “Why am I seeing this ad?” provides an explanation of some of the activity we think may have influenced why our ads delivery system showed you this ad.
  • Adjust your Ad preferences. Visit your ad preferences page, where you can manage things like your Ad topics, interests and your profile information to get a more personalized experience.
  • Hide ads from an advertiser. If you're seeing an advertiser that isn't interesting to you, you can hide an ad or hide an advertiser.
  • Opt out from all participating companies. If you don’t want us to use the websites and apps you use to show you more relevant ads, we won’t. You can opt out through the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance. Or opt out using your mobile device settings.
If you prefer to use our Products without ads, you can choose to subscribe. If you subscribe, you won’t see ads when you use your Facebook and Instagram accounts that are in the same Accounts Center.
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