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Unlike a Facebook Page
To unlike a Page:
  1. Go to the Page by clicking its name in your Feed or searching for it.
  2. Below the Page's cover photo, click Liked.
To unlike a Page:
  1. Go to the Page by tapping its name in your Feed or searching for it.
  2. Below the Page's cover photo, tap Liked.
  3. Tap Unlike if prompted.
To unlike a Page:
  1. Go to the Page by tapping its name in your Feed or searching for it.
  2. Below the Page's cover photo, tap Liked.
  3. Tap Unlike.
To unlike a Page:
  1. Go to the Page by tapping its name in your Feed or searching for it.
  2. Below the Page's cover photo, tap Liked.
  3. Tap Unlike.
To unlike a Page:
  1. Go to the Page by tapping its name in your Feed or searching for it.
  2. Below the Page's cover photo, tap Liked. Tap Unlike to unlike the Page.
To unlike a Page:
  1. Go to the Page by tapping its name in your Feed or searching for it.
  2. Tap Liked to unlike the Page.
To unlike a Page:
  1. Go to the Page by tapping its name in your Feed or searching for it.
  2. Below the Page's cover photo, tap Unlike.
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