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Why nonprofits may be denied access to Facebook’s fundraising tools
As of October 31, 2023, we partner exclusively with PayPal Giving Fund for nonprofits in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. All donations are irrevocable gifts to PPGF and can only be refunded in certain circumstances as outlined by PayPal Giving Fund’s Donation Refund Policy or when required by law.
Facebook may deny or remove access to fundraising tools for organizations that: violate.
  • Facebook's Community Standards
  • Legal Terms
  • Other policies
Violation examples
Organizations that have supported hate speech or violence
We may also block access to our fundraising tools for organizations that have supported or promoted hate speech or violence. There are a number of things we consider about an organization when deciding whether or not to deny access to our tools.
Factors include:
  • Organization or its leadership, like an executive officer or a board member, engage, advocate, or lend support to purposeful and planned acts of violence
  • Organization has violated Facebook’s Hate Speech policies on Facebook
  • Organization or its leadership, like an executive officer or a board member, has made public statements or has actively praised/supported an ideology or a public figure with an ideology that attacks people based on protected characteristics, including:
    • Ethnicity
    • National origin
    • Religious affiliation
    • Sexual orientation
    • Caste
    • Sex
    • Gender
    • Gender identity
    • Serious disease or disability
Opting out of Candid
We partner with Candid (formerly GuideStar), an organization that reports on nonprofits in the US. Any US based nonprofit that opts out of Candid may also be denied access to Facebook’s fundraising tools.
Organizations on blocklists
Organizations that appear on either of these official government blocklists will have their access to our fundraising tools revoked:
Additionally, organizations must be listed as eligible to receive tax-deductible donations by the IRS.
Regain access to fundraising tools
Step 1: Refer to agency to regain good standing
If your organization appears on one or more blocklists, then you can check your organization’s status and how to resolve it by visiting the following government agency sites:
Step 2: Make sure you’re removed from all blocklists and are on the IRS eligible list
After your organization is in good standing with all three government agencies (meaning no longer on either blocklist and on the IRS eligible list), you can get access to our fundraising tools again.
Keep in mind that once an organization is in good standing, it may take several weeks to be removed from the official blocklists (or added to the IRS eligible list), and you cannot proceed to Step 3 until you are removed from all blocklists and listed as eligible to receive tax-deductible donations by the IRS.
Step 3: If you’re still experiencing issues, contact support
If after the above steps you’re still having trouble regaining access, please utilize support channels for Meta and/or our fundraising partners.
English (US)
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