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How to cancel your subscription for no ads
This subscription is only available in the European Region.
If you are under the age of 18 and you previously subscribed to use our Products without ads, learn how to cancel your subscription.
Payments for your subscription are charged on a monthly basis, unless you cancel at least 24 hours before your next payment date.
If you are canceling your subscription on a different type of device than the one you used to sign up (example: you signed up on an iPhone, but are trying to cancel on an Android), you’ll need to switch to the original type of device to cancel your subscription, per Apple and Google policies. If you no longer have the same device that you used to sign up for your subscription, please contact Apple Support or Google Support.
If you have an account that is subscribed to use our Products without ads, and then add that account to another Accounts Center that is already subscribed, you’ll be notified to cancel your previous subscription so you don’t overpay.
Facebook (web)
If you purchased your subscription on Facebook through your computer or mobile web browser using Meta Pay, you’ll need to cancel your subscription on Facebook through your computer or web browser. To cancel your subscription:
  1. Click your profile picture in the top right.
  2. Click Settings & privacy, then click Settings.
  3. Click Accounts Center in the left menu.
  4. Click Ads preferences, then click No ads.
  5. Click Use for free with ads, then click Continue.
  6. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, click Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
  7. Click Go to Settings to finish canceling your subscription. (Note: If you purchased your subscription on a different device, you’ll be prompted to switch to the original device to cancel your subscription.)
  8. Select your subscription under Recurring Payments and click Cancel Subscription.
  9. Click Cancel Subscriptionb> to complete your cancellation.
Facebook (iPhone/Android)
    To cancel your subscription:
  1. From the Facebook app, tap Menu.
  2. Tap Settings & privacy, then tap Settings.
  3. Tap Accounts Center.
  4. Tap Ad preferences, then tap No ads. (Note: If you do not see No ads, please try updating your app.)
  5. Tap Use for free with ads, then tap Continue.
  6. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, tap Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
  7. Tap the button on-screen to be taken to your device’s subscription settings to finish canceling your subscription.
Instagram (iPhone/Android)
To cancel your subscription:
  1. From the Instagram app, tap Menu or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap Menu in the top right, then tap MenuSettings and privacy.
  3. Tap Accounts Center.
  4. Tap Ad preferences, then tap No ads. (Note: If you do not see No ads, please try updating your app.)
  5. Tap Use for free with ads, then tap Continue.
  6. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, tap Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
  7. Tap the button on-screen to be taken to your device’s subscription settings to finish canceling your subscription.
Facebook (iPad)
To cancel your subscription:
  1. From the Facebook app, tap Menu.
  2. Tap Settings & privacy, then tap Settings.
  3. Under Permissions, tap Ad preferences.
  4. Tap No ads(Note: If you do not see No ads, please try updating your app.).
  5. Tap Use for free with ads, then tap Continue.
  6. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, tap Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
  7. Tap the button on-screen to be taken to your device’s subscription settings to finish canceling your subscription.
Instagram (iPad)
To cancel your subscription:
  1. From the Instagram app, tap Menu or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap Menu in the top right, then tap MenuSettings and privacy.
  3. Tap Ads, then tap No ads.(Note: If you do not see No ads, please try updating your app.)
  4. Tap Use for free with ads, then tap Continue.
  5. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, tap Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
  6. Tap the button on-screen to be taken to your device’s subscription settings to finish canceling your subscription.
If you canceled your subscription in your Apple or Google settings before canceling in Accounts Center, you’ll need to complete the cancellation process in ad preferences.
Facebook (web)
To finish canceling your subscription:
  1. Click your profile picture in the top right.
  2. Click Settings & privacy, then click Settings.
  3. Click Accounts Center in the left menu.
  4. Click Ads preferences, then click No ads.
  5. Click Use for free with ads, then click Continue.
  6. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, click Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
Facebook (iPhone/Android)
    To finish canceling your subscription:
  1. From the Facebook app, tap Menu.
  2. Tap Settings & privacy, then tap Settings.
  3. Tap Accounts Center.
  4. Tap Ad preferences, then tap No ads.(Note: If you do not see No ads, please try updating your app.)
  5. Tap Use for free with ads, then tap Continue.
  6. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, tap Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
Instagram (iPhone/Android)
To finish canceling your subscription:
  1. From the Instagram app, tap Menu or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap Menu in the top right, then tap MenuSettings and privacy.
  3. Tap Accounts Center.
  4. Tap Ad preferences, then tap No ads.(Note: If you do not see No ads, please try updating your app.)
  5. Tap Use for free with ads, then tap Continue.
  6. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, tap Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
Facebook (iPad)
To finish canceling your subscription:
  1. From the Facebook app, tap Menu.
  2. Tap Settings & privacy, then tap Settings.
  3. Under Permissions, tap Ad preferences.
  4. Tap No ads.(Note: If you do not see No ads, please try updating your app.)
  5. Tap Use for free with ads, then tap Continue.
  6. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, tap Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
Instagram (iPad)
To finish canceling your subscription:
  1. From the Instagram app, tap Menu or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
  2. Tap Menu in the top right, then tap MenuSettings and privacy.
  3. Tap Ads, then tap No ads.(Note: If you do not see No ads, please try updating your app.)
  4. Tap Use for free with ads, then tap Continue.
  5. Read about using Meta Products for free with ads, then, if you agree, tap Allow. (Note: If you don’t want to accept the changes, you can choose to leave our services, and we would be sorry to see you go.)
While you are subscribed, you won't see ads and your information won't be used for ads. If you cancel your subscription and choose to use our Products for free with ads, your information is used for ads.
English (US)
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