Re: [selectors] Proposal: filtered sibling combinator

On 11.10.2014 8:31, Benjamin Poulain wrote:
> A common use case is styling the first paragraph after a title (for example, using ::first-letter). We can try:
>     h1+p::first-letter
> but that is too strong, it does not patch Paragraph1. We can try:
>     h1~p::first-letter
> but that is too weak, every paragraph matches.
> My current idea to solve those cases is to extend the ~ combinator to take a selector filtering the traversal. Something of the form:
>     a ~(b) c

Isn't this too complex? I think that for this use-case it would be
enough to use something like:


Meaning either <h1> or <h2> followed by <p>


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail: [email protected]
       Professional XML consulting and training services
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 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 rep.
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Received on Monday, 13 October 2014 07:46:32 UTC