[email protected] from June 2013 by subject

[css-align] Issues with <overflow-position>

[css-align] Some issues for align-self

[css-anims] Play-state interaction with delay update

[css-backgrounds] Painting area and 'background-attachment: local'

[css-cascade] actual value calculation

[css-cascade] Naming "value of a declaration", renaming "specified value"

[css-compositing] Compositing and Blending 1.0 WD updated and published

[css-compositing] CSS overprinting

[css-conditional] assigning to conditionText and calling CSS.supports()

[css-conditional][cssom] Why CSSConditionRule?

[css-counter-styles-3] Writing mode based glyphs for disclosure-open/close

[css-counter-styles] 'symbolic' algorithm

[css-counter-styles] Additive system pathological cases

[css-counter-styles] Editorial comments

[css-counter-styles] Where can symbols() be used?

[css-display]? Compositing, expensive things, and laziness

[css-flexbox] 'stretch' can shrink flex items - is this intended?

[css-flexbox] [css-align] unprefixing alignment properties before css-align

[css-flexbox] w3c tests?

[css-fonts] proposal needed for synthesizing oblique fonts in vertical text

[css-grid-layout] typo in shorthand definition

[css-images] Intent to implement object-fit and object-position in Blink

[css-inline] computed value and inheritance of line-height:normal

[css-lists] size of images used as list-style-image

[css-masking] 'mask: none' clear all masking operations

[css-regions] ::region() or ::fragment() pseudo-element

[css-regions][css-flexbox] Interaction between flexboxes and regions

[css-shapes] "box" value for shape-inside

[css-shapes] Can I start a new editor's draft for level 2?

[css-shapes] Changed initial value of shape-image-threshold

[css-shapes] Handling large corner radii values for rectangle and inset-rectangle

[css-shapes] issue 16716, shape from rendered content

[css-shapes] restricting <uri> in shape-outside to CORS-same-origin?

[css-shapes] shape-outside and floats interaction

[css-shapes][Editorial] Are SVG images allowed?

[css-syntax] <an+b> grammar

[css-syntax] Add "Parse a list of rules"

[css-syntax] Changes from CSS 2.1 and Selectors 3

[css-syntax] Comments on "Parser Algorithms" section

[css-syntax] string to number feedback

[css-syntax][css-variables] Extend !important to !<anything>*

[css-syntax][naming] Component values

[css-text-decor-3] Is handling of no-<color> text-shadow for text decorations intentional?

[css-text-decor-3] text-decoration model should account for 'objects' ∉ 'text-decoration-skip'

[css-text-decor] line-decoration averaging or not

[css-text] clarification may be needed for text-align:match-parent

[css-text] text-align-last and cascading

[css-text] What does 'text-align: start end' do on the last line?

[css-ui] Agenda request: Revive directional focus navigation properties

[css-ui] “::resizer” proposal and clarification of the “cursor”value

[css-variables] are variables animatable?

[css-variables] CSSVariablesMap enumeration

[css-variables] CSSVariablesMap interface doubts

[css-variables] Editorial comments

[css-variables] Missing specifications for CSSVariablesMap::set()

[css-variables] Remaining Issues

[css-variables] Reopening the casing issue

[css-variables] Serialization of custom properties vs. comments

[css-writing-modes] Should <svg> be upright in vertical writing modes?

[css-writing-modes] Tate-chu-yoko sizing rules

[CSS21][css-syntax] Does selector+EOF create an empty rule?

[CSS21][css3-text] letter-spacing, word-spacing and justification

[CSS2] first-line-selector-011.htm

[css3-background][css-exclusions] Inner corners and content adapting backgrounds

[css3-cascade] @import syntax

[css3-cascade] Editorial comments

[css3-cascade] Filtering invalid declarations

[css3-cascade] Multiple @import rules for the same stylesheet

[css3-cascade] Rolling back the cascade and 'default'

[css3-cascade] Style attributes have no style rule

[css3-cascade][css3-values] Include 'default' in CSS-wide keywords definition

[css3-conditional] box-shadow example

[css3-fonts] "font-feature-settings: none" shorthand?

[css3-fonts] 'font-feature-settings' and BlueGriffon

[css3-fonts] @font-feature-values editorial

[css3-fonts] additional comments on synthetic italics from Taro Yamamoto

[css3-fonts] computed style for font-feature-settings?

[css3-fonts] font-size-adjust and em/ex values

[css3-fonts] Unclear whether bad ranges are dropped at parse time

[css3-fonts] why subscript/superscript metrics can't be used for text decorations

[css3-fonts][cssom] CSSFontFeatureValuesRule vs. CSSKeyframesRule

[css3-grid-layout] Clarification on ' span' named grid line

[css3-images] Helping implementers with math

[css3-mediaqueries][css-device-adapt] Combining @viewport with the Fullscreen API

[css3-multicol] Section 2. The multi-column model, Example 8

[css3-multicol] updated editor's draft

[css3-syntax][css3-cascade] Conflicting definitions of !important

[css3-text-overflow] Question regarding float and text-overflow: ellipsis(float 和 text-overflow: ellipsis 的问题)

[css3-text] behavior of 'text-justify: none' is undefined

[css3-text] Editorial: CJK codepoints or CJK content language rather than CJK text

[css3-text] Hanging 'text-wrap' reference

[css3-text] Issues that need i18n help

[css3-text] letter-spacing and ligatures

[css3-text] letter-spacing and text-justify: distribute

[css3-text] letter-spacing examples

[css3-text] minor editorial comments

[css3-text] puzzling new definition of expansion opportunity

[css3-text] text-justify should apply to inline elements

[css3-text] undefined behavior for combination of text-align/text-align-last

[css3-transitions] "seamless" additive animations

[css3-transitions] Add direction selectors for transitions

[css3-transitions] Transition from display: none

[css3-transitions][css3-animations] Proposal for animation-timing keywords for half-parabola curves - facilitating correct rise/fall/bounce type animations

[css3-ui] Editing 'resize' Article Notification

[css3-writing-modes] Random comments

[css3-writing-modes][cssom-view] scrollIntoView in vertical flow

[css4-background] use cases for 'border-corner-shape'?

[cssom-view] colorDepth/pixelDepth, match implementations or theoretical purity?

[cssom-view] Is there a need for a plural form of document.caretPositionFromPoint()?

[cssom-view] new method, like document.elementFromPoint(), but in the document's coordinate space

[cssom-view] value of scrollLeft in RTL situations is completely busted across browsers

[cssom-view][css-ui] elementsFromPoint() and pointer-events:paint-order

[cssom] Author-defined at-rules

[cssom] Constructor for MediaList

[cssom] Idiom for representing at-rules containing properties?

[cssom] rules for serializing :nth-child(an+b) drops signs

[cssom] serialization of type selectors with namespaces

[cssom] Supporting JS properties whose names are CSS property names on CSSDeclaration objects

[cssom] What does Element.pseudo() return when there's no corresponding pseudo-element?

[cssom][css-cascade] Access to specified or cascaded values in OM?

[cssom][css3-values] Serialization of initial from shorthand

[cssom][security] Cross-origin style sheets

[CSSWG] Minutes F2F 2013-06-05 Wed PM IV: Syntax and Conditional Rules, Variables

[CSSWG] Minutes Tokyo F2F 2013-06-05 Wed PM III: Counter Styles, Cascade

[CSSWG][css-shapes] First Public WD of CSS Shapes

[CSSWG][SVGWG] Minutes Tokyo F2F 2013-06-05 Wed AM I: Web Animations

[CSSWG][SVGWG] Minutes Tokyo F2F 2013-06-05 Wed AM II: Stroke/Fill on Text, SVG Text Wrapping

[CSSWG][SVGWG] Minutes Tokyo F2F 2013-06-05 Wed PM II: Compositing and Blending

[CSSWG][SVGWG] Minutes Tokyo F2F 2013-06-05 Wed PM II: Zoom Media Queries, CSS XSS, Shapes Deps

[mediaqueries4] Media queries for viewport positions

[mediaqueries4][css3-conditional] Whitespace: "and(" vs. "and ("

[mediaqueries] RESOLVED: 'not', 'only', 'and', 'or' are invalid media types

[mediaqueries] User-defined Media Queries?

[naming] style sheet vs. stylesheet

[selectors4] comment on section 14 (Grid-Structural Selectors)

[selectors4] Multiple subject indicators

[web-animations] Web Animations 1.0 FPWD published

Agenda conf call 19-jun-2013

Agenda conf call 26-jun-2013

ceil support for calculated units?

Comments for Grid Layout

Compositing and Blending / canvas

CSS Flexible Box Layout Module gets a NetAward !!!

CSS Namespaces, Content, Reference Combinators and the Styling of XML-Based Citations and References

CSS overprinting

Document on requirements for Korean Language / Hangul text layout

Dropping nav-* properties?

extract elements from within the "overflow viewport" ?

Fwd: Re: [cssom-view] Is there a need for a plural form of document.caretPositionFromPoint()?

Github mirror: how does it work?

lazy loading for images via css

Linking test suites to specs

margin-before and legend

media query definitions

Modulus operator & division by values

Position: relative and table cells

Positive news

Positive news (was: Re: [css-ui] Agenda request: Revive directional focus navigation properties

Reducing Selector Verbosity

Relatively positioned box inside an absolutely positioned box

s/rule ?set/style rule/g

Scoped SVG styles?

Sticky positioning of tall elements with both top/bottom

text-overflow:ellipsis and text-overflow:<string> need to truncate bidi text logically

transition using matrix to/from zero values can not be decomposed

Treat background-image: url("") as background-image: none; in CSS proposal.

Use of Futures/Promises in CSS Font Face APIs

Which browser's do support the sticky position?

Last message date: Sunday, 30 June 2013 21:42:07 UTC