Re: [css3-multicol] wide column-rule [overlaps | is overlapped by] adjacent column boxes ?

G�rard Talbot wrote:

 > Current spec version
 > states:
 > "
 > If a column rule is wider than its gap, the column rule will overlap
 > adjacent column boxes, and possibly extend outside the box of the multicol
 > element.
 > "
 > while Editor's draft version (Editor's Draft 22 July 2013)
 > states:
 > "
 > If a column rule is wider than its gap, the adjacent column boxes will
 > overlap the rule, and the rule may possibly extend outside the box of the
 > multicol element.
 > "
 > Which statement is the definitive normative rule? Just asking...

The change occured here:

 > For whatever it's worth, I think adjacent column boxes should overlap the
 > rule for accessibility-to-content reasons.

Yes, I think everyone agrees on this. There base been no proposals to
revert the text, so I believe the version in the ED is the one that
should be tested.

              H�kon Wium Lie                          CTO ��e��
[email protected]        

Received on Monday, 29 July 2013 23:55:14 UTC