RE: [selector-profiles] confusion

> Is the recommendation to explicitly not
> support the complete profile in sheets?
> I keep hearing it sort of presented that
> way and i find the names a little
> confusing - they make it sound like
> nothing more than "these selectors are
> slower"...

It would probably be a nice idea to name them in function of what they can do, indeed. It�s true that in the case of static selectors, most of the selectors in the �slow� profile will not be much slower than the others, it�s more the fact that keeping them up-to-date is costly.
What about �Live Selectors� and �Static Selectors� (the former being selectors you can actually use in your stylesheets since they can live-update, and the latter being the ones that you can only use in qS/qSA-like use-cases)? 		 	   		  

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 13:59:10 UTC