Re: [css-variables][naming] Renaming 'var'

At first this proposal sounded plausable to me, but in this example it's

> style.getPropertyValue('set-foo')

And the increased opportunity for confusing** juxtapositions such as:

    set-purple: green;
    set-color: red;

More or less makes this a non-starter for me.

var-* is simpler and more robust in all these cases.

On 15 April 2013 01:29, Jens O. Meiert <> wrote:

> > So, at Rename the Web Forward [1], Sylvain and I concluded that it
> > just might be better to use 'set-' as the prefix and 'get()' as the
> > function name instead of 'var-' and 'var()'.
> +1, this looks like a very sensible change.
> --
> Jens O. Meiert

Pete Boere
Web Developer

Received on Monday, 15 April 2013 08:41:28 UTC