Re: [css3-background] "Margins are always transparent" missing

Le Mer 10 avril 2013 17:08, Simon Sapin a �crit :
> Le 10/04/2013 22:48, "G�rard Talbot" a �crit :
>> What's missing is the definition of where background (color and image)
>> are
>> painted by definition and by default, where background painting starts
>> by
>> definition, regardless of background-clip computed value and regardless
>> of
>> background-clip definition.
> Sorry, I still don’t get it. The very concept of "background painting
> area" *is* that definition. It can not exist regardless of
> background-clip.

The concept of "background painting area" did not exist in CSS 2.1.
Nevertheless, it was defined in CSS 2.1 via reading �8.1 and �14.2 of that
spec. CSS 2.1 did not have a background-clip property. CSS 2.1 more or
less explicitly defined where the painting started and ended in terms of
areas. In 3 precise spots of CSS 2.1, the areas being painted (and the one
not painted) by background (color and image) were identified, without any
recourse to a background-clip property and without a formal definition of
the concept of "background painting area".

> You can talk about the initial value of background-clip
> as "the default", but it’s really paraphrasing what’s already defined.

Where exactly do you see "background-clip" in the following image or flash

Where exactly do you see "background painting area" in the following image
or flash object?

CSS 2.1 Test suite RC6, March 23rd 2011

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Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2013 22:06:40 UTC