Re: [cssom] CSSRule.parentRule and CSSRule.parentStyleSheet should return a "CSSRule?"

Le 01/09/12 03:41, Boris Zbarsky a écrit :
> On 8/31/12 8:41 PM, Glenn Adams wrote:
>> Please check. If CSSOM defined constructors for CSSRule concrete
>> subclasses, then I could see this happening. But it doesn't at present,
>> and I'm not sure it appropriate to spec if the spec doesn't otherwise
>> define a context in which it could be null.
> I think the issue here might be one of lifetime management. I believe
> that if you're holding on to a rule and the rule's stylesheet is not
> attached to a document and you're not holding on to the stylesheet
> itself we will garbage-collect the stylesheet and null out the rule's
> parentStyleSheet. Could be wrong, though.

1. get a CSS rule from the OM, keep it in a JS variable
2. find the owner node
3. delete it from DOM
4. parentStylesheet is then null

I'm hitting it a lot.


Received on Sunday, 2 September 2012 07:47:19 UTC