Re: [css-variables] How to spec the OM for vars?

On Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:

> Based on the feedback in this thread, I've now specced the API:
> <>
> I've gone with adding a "var" attribute to CSSStyleDeclaration, which
> is a CSSVariablesDeclaration object.
> The CSSVariablesDeclaration interface just contains a
> getter/setter/creator/deleter.  It accepts property names *without*
> the "var-" prefix, like so:
> /* equal to'var-foo') */
> I decided not to do any camelCase to dashes conversion, because it
> wouldn't work if any component of the var name didn't start with an
> ASCII lowercase letter. The shorthand .form only works if your var
> name was a single JS ident, according to normal JS rules.  If your var
> name doesn't match that, just use the array syntax:
>['foo-bar'] /* equal to
>'var-foo-bar') */
> Is this acceptable?  If so, we need to re-resolve to publish a WD, as
> this is a major change.

I'm not keen on an abbreviated 'var' instead of 'variables', particularly
since it also happens to be a JS/ES keyword.

If you wish to shorten typing, just use

var v =;
v['foo-bar'] = ...

Received on Saturday, 1 September 2012 00:28:40 UTC