Re: [css3-text] text-transform: han-numerals

On 10/27/2010 02:16 AM, "Martin J. Dürst" wrote:
> On 2010/10/27 2:00, fantasai wrote:
>> For anyone who wants to do something more complicated, then more markup
>> support is needed. But even then, HTML+CSS can do it:
>> <abbr class="number" title="三十五">35</abbr>
>> vertical.css:
>> abbr.number { content: attr(title) }
> I understand how this will display the title attribute when in vertical
> mode. But I'm not sure how at the same time you can hide "35". If you
> say display: none, then none of the element, i.e. not even the title,
> will be displayed, or not?

The 'content' property here is set on the element, not on a ::before or
::after pseudo-element. It overrides the display of the actual element


Received on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 16:17:38 UTC