Re: [css3-writing-modes] a third option for implementing logical properties

On Thursday 2010-10-21 17:09 -0700, Brad Kemper wrote:
> Is there any particular downside to treating them like the same
> property, as though margin-start was just a 1-component shorthand
> for margin-left?

You don't know which side margin-start is until you know which
element the rule applies to and what that element's direction is.
So you have to store it differently.

For example, in:
  ul { margin-start: 3em }
  ul#foo { direction: ltr }
  ul#bar { direction: rtl }
the margin-start is sometimes margin-left and sometimes

> I had kind of assumed that the effect on margin-left in the
> example would the same whether you used 'margin-start' or just
> 'margin' (ignoring, for the moment the effect of  'margin' on
> 'margin-right', etc.). 

One could change the example to manipulate a style rule in a style
sheet rather than a style attribute, and thus have the same problem
as what I gave above.


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Friday, 22 October 2010 00:21:44 UTC