Re: overflow and list-items

> When a 'li' element or any element set to 'display: list-item' has
> a setting for 'overflow' other than 'visible' what should happen to
> the marker box when it is set to 'list-style-position: outside'?
> Should the marker be visible?
> Should the marker scroll with the first text item even though the
> marker is not inside of the scrollable region?


Opera, Safari, and Firefox do not display the marker. However IE7 does.
We think it makes more sense to display the marker, so we propose the

  Add to definition of 'outside':
   | 'overflow' on the element does not clip the marker box.
   | The marker box is fixed with respect to the principal block
   | box's border and does not scroll with the principal block
   | box's content.

fantasai and Arron Eicholz

Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2008 00:55:55 UTC