Re: [css3-gcpm] [css3-page] Named page lists

On Jul 11, 2008, at 12:35 PM, H�kon Wium Lie wrote:
> Right. There are two types of triggers: page-break triggers and
> first-page triggers. The example doesn't trigger page-break (because
> the page names are the same), but it does trigger first-page. That is,
> the pages where div elements start will be considered first pages
> because they have non-auto values on the 'page' property.
> In practice, I expect styles like these to be used in combination with
> explicit page breaks. E.g.:
>     <div style="page: chapter; page-break-before: left"/>
>     <div style="page: chapter; page-break-before: left"/>
> However, we also have to deal with the situation where the second div
> element continues on an existing page. This could be problematic if
> because the page, most likely, already has been laid out and we do not
> want to change the size of the page area. We could address this in
> several ways, e.g. by saying that page-name:first will only have
> effect if the element starts on a new page. Or that the page area
> cannot be set unless the element starts on a new page.
> -h&kon
>               H�kon Wium Lie                          CTO ��e��
> [email protected]        

This is definitely off-topic, so I apologize for that, but this  
discussion had brought up a thought. (In my mind, it was probably  
lonely, so I wanted to pass it on to the group.)

Is there some way to place an element (image, content, footnote,  
etc.) at the END of a chapter? This discussion is about first page  
triggers -- what about last page triggers?

Use Cases: There are many examples of this in older typography --  
e.g., a design image on the last page of a chapter. For more modern  
examples, try: a horizontal rule or other 'end' indicator. End-notes  
for a chapter (as mentioned above). Even "End of Section XX" for  
technical publications.

Of course, it would be possible to add an extra <span> or <div> at  
the end of each chapter/section, but if the content is the same -- or  
almost the same except for a chapter number -- why not define it  
once, as a style. In my mind, this is a styling issue, not a content  
issue, since it has little to do with the content of the page/chapter/ 
section, only with the last page of the section.


Received on Friday, 11 July 2008 20:00:10 UTC