Re: UTF-8 signature / BOM in CSS

Fran�ois Yergeau wrote to <>, 
<>, <>, and 
<> on 6 December 2003 in "Re: UTF-8 signature / 
BOM in CSS" (<>):

> [...] another way is to consider [the BOM] a character and to bring it 
> squarely in the grammar of a language, like I proposed recently for 
> CSS:
>  EncodingDecl = [BOM][@charset=<foobar>]
> with the additional constraint that EncodingDecl must occur at the 
> start of the stylesheet.

Is the BOM to be considered an identifier character? That's possible. 
Then an identifier consisting solely of one U+FEFF would be allowed at 
the beginning of a style sheet. But the codepoint U+FEFF could just as 
well be tokenized as its own type and grouped with "S" (space tokens) 
and comments as a separator of other tokens. This latter approach is 
not backwards compatible in a formal sense, but how many existing 
Cascading Style Sheets make use of U+FEFF in identifiers? About zero, 
I'd guess.

Etan Wexler.

Received on Saturday, 6 December 2003 22:07:35 UTC