Re: CSS books

fantasai wrote:

>"Justin H." wrote:
>>Since this is about the most standards conscious group I know, I have a
>>question for y'all.  I'm going to be doing some low level, but
>>(hopefully) rather intense tutoring in web creation and standards.  I
>>already have Danny Goodman's Javascript Bible (4th) to back me up and
>>some HTML 4.0x books to use as references, but I don't really have
>>anything on CSS around.  I glanced at the XML bible in passing, but
>>wasn't sure it was what I was looking for to get *myself* up to a
>>comfortable level of knowledge and to use for examples and to help with
>>definitions/examples.  Anyone have any recommendations?
> has a list of CSS books. Haven't read any
>of them, so I can't give you a recommendation.
For CSS1 I recommend Eric Meyer's book ("Cascading Style Sheets: The 
Definitive Guide").

Ian Hickson

Received on Sunday, 14 October 2001 17:20:31 UTC