RE: Excluding declarations from the cascade

That would instantly bring up the need of authors to define alternative
style of rendering in case of a specific @exclude (or any syntax). Even
then, an author will have to do some serious thinking on style
combinations. If I have a red background with a red border and the
@exclude encountered doesn't like the background, maybe my alternative
blue background will work but it will not look good with the red border.
Just an example but you get the point.
Kindest regards,
-----Original Message----- 
From: Bjoern Hoehrmann 
Sent: Κυρ 19/8/2001 8:27 μμ 
Subject: Excluding declarations from the cascade

    Current CSS features allow the user some control over the
 presentation of documents, but it's a rather limited control.
 example some users don't like 'text-decoration: blink' others
 like 'position: fixed', 'background-attachment: fixed', 'cursor:
 crosshair', etc.pp. CSS allows you only to demand a specific
 presentation, you cannot exclude some property/value
combinations. For
 example, to get rid of 'position: fixed' I can only write
   * { position: static !important }
 but this would override all values for the position property I
_want_ to
 allow, and this would cause problems. Consider
  * { text-decoration: none !important }
 and the author defines
  obsololete { text-decoration: line-through }
 the presentation would break. I like to see some feature in CSS
Level 3
 that allows me to exclude distinct values for specific
 instead of overriding them.
 A possible syntax could be a new at-rule, e.g.
   @exclude {
     :link, :visited { text-decoration: none                  }
     *               { position: fixed                        }
     body            { background-attachment: fixed           }
     p               { color: silver; background-color: white }
 but maybe others can come up with some better suggestions.
 Björn Höhrmann { }
 am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
 25899 Dagebüll { PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 }

Received on Sunday, 19 August 2001 18:17:45 UTC