[email protected] from March 2019 by subject

[imsc] Support `#font` TTML2 feature (#472)

[tt-profile-registry] Pull Request: Clarify codecs parameter syntax requirements (#63).

[tt-profile-registry] Pull Request: Clarify semantics of combination operator syntax (#62).

[tt-profile-registry] Pull Request: Respec syntax changed

[tt-profile-registry] Pull Request: Use proper file

[tt-profile-registry] The codecs parameter should have a formal definition of the use of the combination operators (#71)

[ttml-webvtt-mapping] Pull Request: Use proper file

[ttml2] Add example of using 'profile' or 'codecs' MIME type parameter to note in §5.2.1. (#1055)

[ttml2] Add links to reference state object components. (#1062)

[ttml2] Consider referencing codecs parameter in §3.1 (1). (#1047)

[ttml2] Improve usage consistency for "and (or)" vs "and/or". (#1056)

[ttml2] Pull Request: Add links to state object component references, improve language cons…

[ttml2] Pull Request: Add note about profile overrides (#1031).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Change entities to 2e ED, and update TTML1 bibref.

[ttml2] Pull Request: Clarify note on [validate document] (#1036).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Clarify relative profile designator does not use xml:base (#1033).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Fix capitalization, punctuation, spacing (#1035).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Improve consistency regarding "and/or" vs "and (or)" (#1056).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Improve correlation with profile construction algorithms (#1030).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Note example of 'profile' and 'codecs' media type parameters (#1055).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Note that profile combination is optional (#1032).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Prevent font element from overriding generic font family (#1042).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Remove superfluous colon ':' from namespace prefixes (#1037).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Remove use of deprecated syntax in example (#1041).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Specify fixed, implied semantics for xlink:type and xlink:actuate (#1039).

[ttml2] Pull Request: Update test suite readme

Additional IMSC test content, including SDR and HDR exemplar renders

Adoption of TTML in Transport Streams by Nordig

AW: September meeting of TTWG

Closed: [tt-profile-registry] Elaborate + and | operators further. (#62)

Closed: [tt-profile-registry] The codecs parameter and media type registration. (#63)

Draft Liaison Letters VR-IF and MPEG (Subtitles in XR)

Module support in TTML2

Regrets TTWG Meeting

reminder: Charter draft on the agenda for this week's call

Republishing WebVTT as CR with features at risk (CfC)

September meeting of TTWG

Upcoming DST switch: adjusting our Thursday meeting UTC start time

Upcoming meeting times

WebVTT updates

{Agenda} TTWG Meeting 2019-03-07

{Agenda} TTWG Meeting 2019-03-14

{Agenda} TTWG Meeting 2019-03-21

{Agenda} TTWG Meeting 2019-03-28

{Minutes} TTWG Meeting 2019-03-07

{Minutes} TTWG Meeting 2019-03-14

{Minutes} TTWG Meeting 2019-03-21

{Minutes} TTWG meeting 2019-03-28

Last message date: Thursday, 28 March 2019 17:31:42 UTC