Re: mapping between TTML and WebVTT

No. I am not working on a mapping from TTML to WebVTT. And No, I do not
agree to (and would object to) incorporate such a mapping into the TTML2
spec. It can be done in a separate document, although, who would have an
interest in creating such a document, I don't know. I might be persuaded to
do such work if a sponsor stepped forward for such independent work, but
none of my sponsors have expressed such interest.

What I am working on for inclusion in TTML2 is a mapping to CSS/HTML5 as an
additional alternative to the current XSL-FO mapping.

On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 1:08 AM, Thierry MICHEL <> wrote:

> Glenn,
> During the Shenzhen F2F, the TTWG had agreed to include the following
> deliverable into the TTML spec instead of a Note has mentionned in the TTWG
> charter
> "Working Group Note on the mapping between TTML and WebVTT"
> I understood from previous discussion that you were working on this
> mapping.
> Looking at the editor's draft I see in the appendix
> P-CEA708 Mapping Considerations (Non-Normative)
> but none about the mapping between TTML and WebVTT
> Could you also put a placeholder in the TTML2 spec for this mapping ?
> Do you plan to publish it with the FPWD of TTML2?
> maybe you could also add an informative link to the following:
> Conversion of 608/708 captions to WebVTT
> Thierry

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 15:43:26 UTC