[email protected] from March 2015 by subject

[css-flexbox] Fix for flex-margin-no-collapse.html

[css-writing-modes-3] 3 additional background-position tests

[css-writing-modes-3] 4 interactive DHTML demos on background-position, height and width of document root element and writing-modes

[css-writing-modes-3] 4 tests on <hr> element

[css-writing-modes-3] 4 tests on box offsets and position relative

[css-writing-modes-3] 4 tests on resolving 'height: auto' in orthogonal flow (§ 7.3.1)

[css-writing-modes-3] 54 new tests on float, clear and clearance; 9 reference files and 14 /support images

[css-writing-modes-3] 96 abs-pos-non-replaced tests submitted

[css3-ui] basic image cursor tests updated

[css3-ui] cursor image format tests

[css3-ui] cursor-image-png-038: incorrect link to image

Browser detection for shepherd/css test runner

Downgrading "may" tests

Getting full history of a file

How to create generated test files?

Mercurial repository and the resources subrepository

testharness.js in CSS test repositry

Things or issues which should be sorted out in CSS test repository

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 March 2015 22:32:54 UTC