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On Tue, Sep 02, 2014 at 03:36:47PM +0200, Italo Vignoli wrote:
This is beyond my technical skills. I have uploaded the key to the
keyserver, using the Terminal, but this has already represented a huge
effort on my side. I do not use the Terminal, as I am a normal user, so
I will be coming to the party but do not expect hashes (maybe ashes...)
from me.

heh. You might be delighted to hear that I have just made a keysigning
tool work.

The idea of the tool is to leverage the fact that you carry a computer
and have connectivity to your peers, e.g. link local network via WiFi.
Ideally, you meet someone to sign your keys with and both of you open
the application.  You peer selects the key they want to get signed and
a barcode will be displayed.  You then either scan the barcode (or
manually type the fingerprint) and the tool would go and fetch the
key from your peer.  The next click will sign your peer's key and
you will be presented the option to send those signatures to the UIDs
of the key, following best practises.

It should be a two-click operation.

It's not mature at all and it might, in fact, not work as I expected.
I'd love to get some feedback on the workflow and on the usability.
Again, it's working since a few hours, only. So there will be issues.

You can get the code here:


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