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Le 2010-11-03 17:28, Michel Gagnon a écrit :
Thanks Michel:

 It would be great if we improved the user interface in such a
way that people would use styles and space before paragraphs rather than
empty paragraphs,

Disclaimer: I am not too knowledgeable of the creation/use of styles.

Just a comment on styles. As I deal with mostly new and casual users, I have found that styles to these people are of little importance. When these two groups are given a quick introduction to styles, they usually abandon this effort early n the game. I somehow attribute this to the "3" rule *. Most people will retain steps in information only up to 3 steps. Example: File->Open->click on file If this rule were to be respected and the style configuration could be broken up in steps of "3 steps to accomplish something". Then I think that for the casual user, at least would be able to accomplish creating some sort of style. The style process must be streamlined to lower the amount of steps required to achieve a particular result.

Just my take on styles.

* 3 steps. Try it out on your family members or try to notice this in your workplace. The general population can only absorb materials in "bunches" of 3's. The most difficult of which, following steps when learning how to complete a particular task that is completely unknown to that person. Once you get to the 4th step, most people will have forgotten some part of the first 3.

A more adept person will remember 4 steps or more.

On the other hand, many people now use PowerPoint (and Impress), and
quite frankly, both products need *a lot* of improvements. For instance,
with Powerpoint, animations may be defined in the mask, but then they
apply to ALL slides, or they have to be painstakingly defined slide by
slide, one line at a time... There also are serious problems with the
way films and sounds are linked in Powerpoint: they either have to be in
the same folder or the link has to be an absolute one. So I think it
would be relatively easy to upgrade Impress and make it better and
easier to use than Powerpoint, and grab new users via the Impress module.


Background: In educational circles, a student graduating from grade 8 (in Ontario, Canada) is expected to be proficient in Word, Powerpoint and Excel at a somewhat medium level. I usually start coordinate/help teaching the use of Word by grade 4; Powerpoint in grade 6; and usually Excel by grade 7; grade 8 students are expected to use these and start exploring more advanced notions.

Powerpoint has now gained quite a bit of ground in usage in comparison to Word. That is to say that being able to use both programmes by students at an acceptable level is quite a common expectation. Excel is still coming up short. Although, there is always a push in math circles for the use of Excel by students for simple graphing and spreadsheet solutions.

So, improving Impress' use of sound, video and animation would definitely make for a good contender to Powerpoint, The treatment of all three should be looked at a little close in order to improve their usage.


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