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Comparative performance of ensemble machine learning for Arabic cyberbullying and offensive language detection
Since cyberbullying impacts both individual victims and entire society, research on abusive language and its detection has attracted attention in...
Current limitations in cyberbullying detection: On evaluation criteria, reproducibility, and data scarcity
The detection of online cyberbullying has seen an increase in societal importance, popularity in research, and available open data. Nevertheless,...
A Deep Learning Approach for Multimodal Deception Detection
Automatic deception detection is an important task that has gained momentum in computational linguistics due to its potential applications. In this... -
A multi-platform dataset for detecting cyberbullying in social media
Recent work on cyberbullying detection relies on using machine learning models with text and metadata in small datasets, mostly drawn from single...
Label modification and bootstrapping for zero-shot cross-lingual hate speech detection
The goal of hate speech detection is to filter negative online content aiming at certain groups of people. Due to the easy accessibility and...
Investigating the role of swear words in abusive language detection tasks
Swearing plays an ubiquitous role in everyday conversations among humans, both in oral and textual communication, and occurs frequently in social...
In this chapter, which is the last chapter in the book, cybercrimes along with their types, such as those targeting persons, those against property,... -
Using Cognitive Learning Method to Analyze Aggression in Social Media Text
Aggression and hate speech is a rising concern in social media platforms. It is drawing significant attention in the research community who are... -
Resources and benchmark corpora for hate speech detection: a systematic review
Hate Speech in social media is a complex phenomenon, whose detection has recently gained significant traction in the Natural Language Processing...
Large scale annotated dataset for code-mix abusive short noisy text
With globalization and cultural exchange around the globe, most of the population gained knowledge of at least two languages. The bilingual user base...
Improving NLP Techniques by Integrating Linguistic Input to Detect Hate Speech in CMC Corpora
Hate speech detection research relies heavily on automatic detection models that make use of machine learning (ML), opinion mining, sentiment... -
OMCD: Offensive Moroccan Comments Dataset
Offensive content, such as verbal attacks, demeaning comments, or hate speech, has become widespread on social media. Automatic detection of this...
Building and Analysing an Online Hate Speech Corpus: The NETLANG Experience and Beyond
This preliminary chapter is part of the Introduction to the book, “Online Hate Speech: Object, Approaches, Issues”, and it has a threefold purpose.... -
First-Person Verbal Aggression in YouTube Comments
To contribute to literature on hateful speech in social media communication, this chapter analyses verbal aggression in YouTube comments. Our text... -
Negotiating Hate and Conflict in Online Comments: Evidence from the NETLANG Corpus
The chapter seeks to identify how conflict is negotiated within the architecture of discussion forums on online news sites. First, it delimits the... -
Roman Urdu toxic comment classification
With the increasing popularity of user-generated content on social media, the number of toxic texts is also on the rise. Such texts cause adverse...
KurdiSent: a corpus for kurdish sentiment analysis
Language is essential for communication and the expression of feelings and sentiments. As technology advances, language has become increasingly...
Fighting Cybercrime through Linguistic Analysis
This chapter explores the phenomenon of cybercrime from a linguistic perspective. In particular, the case of romance scams is investigated to gain a... -
A multilingual, multimodal dataset of aggression and bias: the ComMA dataset
In this paper, we discuss the development of a multilingual dataset annotated with a hierarchical, fine-grained tagset marking different types of...
Resources for Turkish natural language processing: A critical survey
This paper presents a comprehensive survey of corpora and lexical resources available for Turkish. We review a broad range of resources, focusing on...