Jacob Cunningham

Jacob Cunningham Patron

Favorite films

  • The Insider
  • Stop Making Sense
  • JFK
  • Brief Encounter

Recent activity

  • Inside Llewyn Davis


  • The Beast


  • A Complete Unknown


  • Spider-Man 3


Recent reviews

  • Inside Llewyn Davis

    Inside Llewyn Davis


    Truly one of the greatest films ever made.

    A cold, darkly comedic portrait of failure and the circular nature of it.

    The final truly great Coen brothers film and the last one that really has their essence. I also think it's their best.

    Oscar Isaac more lead roles pleeeaaaaaaase.

  • The Beast

    The Beast


    Can you pretend to be afraid of something that’s not there?

    Got given a bluray of this for Christmas so a third viewing was inevitable. 

    Still the best film of 2024. Pure Jacob-core. The cosmic loneliness, weirdo cyber-thriller elements and tragic romanticism. Doesn’t get much better than this folks.

Popular reviews

  • Raw


    I'm so mad, I was so excited for this.

    Raw is the kind of movie I hate. The kind of movie that wants you to believe it's way smarter than it is.

    For all the raves about how shocking and fucked up it is, this film is empty. It's devoid of any message or meaning, and is mostly just weird and shocking for the sake of being weird and shocking.
    I use the word shocking lightly though, because it's really…

  • Close



    MIFF 2022 #16

    Winner of the runner up prize at Cannes this year, Close is the story of two 13 year old boys who’s lifelong friendship begins to break apart after their closeness begins to attract questions and bullying from their classmates. 

    Yikes. Cannot remember the last time a film tried so hard to make me cry without even coming close. This is misery porn in the worst way, the kind of filmmaking that belongs in the 90’s. But it’s…