
Zeughauskino HQ

The Zeughauskino, located in the center of Berlin, Germany, presents programs of a special kind that draw from the entire spectrum of film and offer new, often surprising…


Collect Films! Tobias Rank’s mobile cinema from Leipzig

Countless films have not been preserved in cinematheques and film museums, but in small archives of local authorities, associations and companies as well as in private collections. In our ongoing series Collect Films! we invite collectors to the Zeughauskino to give us an insight into their collections and talk about their passion.

Animated Economic Miracle. West German Animated Films of the 1950s

Animated film in early West Germany was slow to develop its own characteristics in the face of the superiority of American producers, especially as many designers had already been active in National Socialist production, resulting in aesthetic continuities. While most of the creative energy flowed into advertising and commissioned films, the attempt to make a feature-length animated film failed due to conceptual and financial problems. Despite this difficult starting position, animated films were made in West Germany that are worth…

Documentary Positions: Wiltrud Baier & Sigrun Köhler

The inspiration came from an appeal on New Year's Eve: bread instead of firecrackers. “We want - in a figurative sense - both humor and seriousness, light and shadow for our film work: Firecrackers AND bread.” What documentary filmmaker Wiltrud Baier, who together with Sigrun Köhler forms the unique directing duo Böller und Brot, formulates anecdotally touches on a concern that is rarely found in documentary film. What is meant is the combination of the serious and the funny, of…

Kästner's Cinema. Homage to the Novelist and Screenwriter Erich Kästner

Erich Kästner (1899-1974) is one of the most popular German-language authors. His books have been adapted for the stage, produced as radio plays and repeatedly turned into films. In the last ten years alone, three feature films have been made based on his novels. It is not only his children's and young adult stories that have fascinated cinema audiences for generations and motivated directors to create new adaptations. Kästner's works written for adult readers also live on in the cinema,…

Enlightened! Working Women, Female Citizens and Queens of the 18th Century

“What is Enlightenment?” is the title of a major exhibition that can be visited at the Deutsches Historisches Museum until the beginning of April 2025. It engages philosophy, science, religion and education in a dialog and poses questions about equality, justice and emancipation - topics that captivated people in the Age of Enlightenment and that we are still grappling with today. The retrospective Enlightened! focuses on women of the 18th century who thought, felt and acted enlightened in different ways. What insignia…

With Different Eyes. New Restorations of the Weimar Cinema

The corpus of films from Weimar cinema that are being restored in archives and cinematheques and thus becoming visible again is growing all the time. As testimonies to a breathtaking variety of artistic forms of expression, new themes and role models, these films that have been made accessible again are unique and valuable. With each new restoration, the image of the era gains in plasticity, which is particularly true of the genre cinema of the 1920s, which directors such as…

Collect Films! The Film Collection of the Institut für Medienwissenschaften at Universität Paderborn

In our series Collect Films! we invite small archives and collections to the Zeughauskino to give us an insight into their holdings. In November, Stephan Ahrens and Alexander Schultz will be our guests and present the collection of the Institut für Medienwissenschaften at the University of Paderborn, which specialises in 16mm films. In addition to the archive of German experimental and avant-garde films by women and amateur films, there is also an extensive collection of educational films that were shown at non-commercial…

Taipei Stories. The Films of Edward Yang

As one of the central representatives of Taiwan New Cinema, Edward Yang is inextricably linked to the aesthetic renewal of Taiwanese cinema that began in the 1980s. His films reflect the specifically Taiwanese experience of exile, authoritarianism and liberalisation as well as the discrepancy between Confucian tradition and Western-oriented modernity. Yang is a filmmaker of the big city and Taipei is the canvas on which he creates his epic, convoluted and often fractured narratives. The formal power and modernity of his…

Documentary Positions: Tamara Trampe & Johann Feindt

Only four documentaries Tamara Trampe and Johann Feindt have directed together: Der schwarze Kasten (1992), the psychogram of a former lieutenant colonel of the State Security; Weiße Raben - Alptraum Tschetschenien (2005) about the physical and psychological damage suffered by young Russian soldiers; the "Heimat Berlin" film Wiegenlieder (2010) and Meine Mutter, ein Krieg und ich (2014) about Trampe's own origins and history. Nevertheless, these four works are among the outstanding documentary films of the post-reunification period. They tell of state violence and the loss of an inner…

Recent reviews

Zauberhafte Silhouettenfilme für das Vorprogramm der Kinos schuf dagegen die Scherenschnittkünstlerin Lotte Reiniger, die weiter im Londoner Exil arbeitete. In Kalif Storch (1954) greift sie auf die 1826 entstandene „Geschichte von Kalif Storch“ von Wilhelm Hauff zurück und inszeniert das Märchen als exotische Hofintrige im fantastisch ausgeschmückten Bagdad. Bereits vier Jahre zuvor hatte Hans Held und Hans Georg Dammann den gleichen Stoff als Zeichenfilm umgesetzt; seine Zeichnung der Araber fällt vergleichsweise plakativ und plump aus.
(Jeanpaul Goergen)

Eine ganze Spielzeugabteilung kommt 1952 in Das Wunderfenster in Bewegung. Gestaltet wurde der Film von Gerda und Hedwig Otto, die auf Puppenfilme spezialisiert waren und zu den wenigen Frauen im Animationsfilm der 1950er Jahren gehörten.
(Jeanpaul Goergen)

Cops mit Buster Keaton ist fließende Bewegung und furioses Crescendo, fabelhaft durchchoreografiert, reines Ballett und reiner Thriller. Zugleich: Raffinierte Studie über die exponentielle Vermehrung von Pech, Unglück, Irrsinn. Bei Keaton löst die Aufforderung der Angebeteten, doch endlich mal Geld zu verdienen, eine Kette von Ereignissen aus, die stets die schlimmstmögliche Wendung nehmen. Schließlich jagen alle Polizisten von Los Angeles hinter Buster her.
(Philipp Stiasny)

Liberty mit Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy ist fließende Bewegung und furioses Crescendo, fabelhaft durchchoreografiert, reines Ballett und reiner Thriller. Zugleich: Raffinierte Studie über die exponentielle Vermehrung von Pech, Unglück, Irrsinn. Im Fall von Laurel & Hardy mündet der Versuch, die Hose zu wechseln, im wahnwitzigen Ausdruckstanz auf dem Gerüst eines Wolkenkratzers.
(Philipp Stiasny)

Liked reviews




Es muss nicht Hummer sein mit Mayonnaise, man kann auch glücklich sein - bei Harzer Käse!

Sensible portray of a village. Loved every second.

Liebe in den Klassenverhältnissen. "Jules et Jim" im Plattenbau, so hat Hans Schifferle dereinst sehr treffend Isabelle Stevers Dreiecksgeschichte von Gisela, Paul und Georg benannt. Rumhängen, während exzessiv Bier getrunken wird. Die Männer gegen den Kasten, bis sie bewusstlos auf dem Boden schlafen. Da ist es schon hell. Das Gefühl der Lebenskünstler im Sommer. Gisela arbeitet im Supermarkt als Kassiererin, sie hat einen Sohn und einen Mann, der ist wiederum Lieferant. Die Loser konterkarieren das Arbeitsethos der proletarischen Klasse, heben…

Es ist nicht so als würde die Wundertüte Zeughauskino zu 100% Meisterwerke aus der Mottenkiste holen, aber manchmal zaubern sie einfach die allertollsten Stummfilmkomödien hervor. Hier und da ein bisschen lang jajaja, aber 10/10 Zwischentitel-Humor, die tollste Stummfilmheldin, die ich seit Die blaue Maus vor ein paar Jahren sehen durfte und eine in jeder Hinsicht fabelhafte Traumsequenz als Tüpfelchen – wäre ganz wunderbar, wenn die frisch restaurierte Kopie (inklusive fast schon avantgardistisch wirkendem Schaden am 6. Akt) bald ihre Runden…